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Uniblue RegistryBooster 2.0.1178.3832
[ Скачать с сервера (483.9 Kb) · Скачать удаленно (4,10) ] 11-Янв-2009, 13:14

Предназначен для оптимизации и очистки системного реестра Windows. С помощью технологии автоматического обнаружения ошибок Registry Booster распознает фрагментированные, поврежденные и неверные ключи реестра и исправляет обнаруженные ошибки, тем самым позволяя улучшить производительность и общую стабильность системы.
The Problem Have you noticed that the longer you have your computer, the slower it runs and the more it crashes? Often this phenomenon is caused by problems in the registry that accrue over time. Installing and uninstalling programs leave behind fragments — stray files, orphaned startup tasks, corrupted drivers. Over time the registry starts to get bogged down and conflicts emerge. Left unchecked, your system will become increasingly unstable, run more slowly and crash more frequently. The Solution RegistryBooster 2 is the easy answer to registry problems. It conducts deep scans of your registry to check for errors and conflicts, then repairs and optimizes the registry to peak performance and stability. Periodic scans will keep your registry "clean" and will greatly enhance your system’s performance and stability. You’ll see immediate increases in speed and decreases in system conflicts.
Категория: Каталог файлов | Добавил: yourhelp | Автор: Владимир
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